Help Us Help Mocha

This is Mocha.
Mocha arrived at Paws Give Me Purpose in March.
For those not familiar, Mocha was seized by Animal Control from an extreme neglect/abuse situation.
Mocha has had an extremely difficult and traumatizing life.
Mocha has been receiving the best care possible, was gaining weight nicely and was doing well on her medications.
But a couple of days ago, Mocha took a turn for the worse.
Mocha stopped eating.
She found it more difficult to breathe and began coughing.
Mocha collapsed when trying to walk over to drink some water.
Mocha received emergency Veterinary care.
Mocha’s condition is extremely grave.
Mocha is now back here at Paws Give Me Purpose for supportive care.
We are feeding her, making sure she stays hydrated, and giving her new medications.
Mocha is stable and comfortable.
We will not let her suffer.
Paws Give Me Purpose will do everything possible to help her.
Which includes the expert medical care she needs and deserves.
Mocha is a fighter and as long as she is fighting we will continue to fight with her.
We will never give up on Mocha.
Even after the horrible life Mocha has endured, she is extremely loving and sweet.
Mocha is learning what real love is all about for the first time in her life.
Mocha has received a beautiful prayer blanket, pillow and teddy bear from Fur Angel Blessing Blanketeers.
On behalf of Mocha, we thank this organization and Ms. Wendy Legault for making the blanket and pillow especially for Mocha.
We hope and pray that the all the love and prayers you have sent will be answered.
We will never give up on Mocha.
Please help us help Mocha!
Mocha needs a miracle.
Strong prayers, love and support.
Donations are desperately needed.
Please continue to pray, share and donate to help Mocha heal her broken body and beautiful soul!

Letter From Mocha

Hi everyone, it’s me, Mocha!

I’m just popping in to let you know how I’m doing.

What do you think, am I looking better, is my girlish figure starting to fill out?

I’m trying really hard to be a good girl.

I love all the people here at Paws Give Me Purpose.

They are taking very good care of me.

I do not however like all the dogs, so I guess that makes me dog selective.

My skin is looking better, but not all my hair has grown back yet.

I still have difficulty breathing but it seems this is a permanent condition.

I am taking all my medications, even though some of them taste yucky.

There are just so many and they are very expensive.

I’m still very fragile and not very active, I prefer to just sit and watch all the other pups.

I still need to gain some weight and eat several small meals a day.

I LOVE the food here, it’s very yummy, but, I have become picky with my meal choices.

If I don’t want what’s being served I push the bowl across the room with my nose in protest.

I would like the Paws Give Me Purpose people to provide me with a menu, so I can order what I am in the mood for, is that possible?

I am told that I am beautiful and loved every minute of the day.

And that everything will be ok.

Is this true? I’m not used to that.

I am starting to learn to trust the people here at Paws Give Me Purpose.

I just started giving kisses for the first time in my life.

Paws Give Me Purpose says they will never give up on me.

I am really starting to feel safe, I hope this feeling lasts forever.

My body, soul and heart are beginning to heal.

But I still need your prayers, love and support too.

Please don’t forget me and all the other sanctuary pups here.

We are nothing without YOU!

Love, Mocha

Don’t Forget About Me

Don’t forget about Mocha.
Mocha still needs you.
Without YOU we cannot help those that need us most like her.
Mocha’s consult came back; she has lower airway disease and pneumonia.
There is a possible growth on the lung that is not identifiable.
A new course of antibiotic treatment has begun.
If she is not better within 2 weeks, we may need to see a specialist to flush out her lungs.
The Veterinarian also discovered a healing spinal fracture in addition to an old shoulder injury.
One of us, a human being, did this to Mocha.
This is the sad reality of the world we live in.
We must be Mocha’s voice, and the voices for all the innocent animals who cannot speak for themselves.
Paws Give Me Purpose will do whatever is necessary to help her, and give her everything she needs to have the life she truly deserves.
We will never give up on Mocha.
Please help us help Mocha!
Donations are desperately needed.
No amount is too small.