A Special Place

Foxy knows how to make people smile. No magic, no spells, and yet she manages to lift up the mood – especially when things get difficult around here.

For Foxy and many other dogs like her, Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary is home; a place where they are loved beyond measure no matter their perfectly imperfect medical conditions or behaviors. We give the unwanted, abused, neglected, senior, hospice and special needs animals life for no matter how long they are with us; that is what makes Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. a special place.

We are a no-kill, cage free Sanctuary and of the dogs in our care live in a home setting. At Paws Give Me Purpose, care is provided 24/7. We have no paid staff or board members; 100% of all donations goes directly toward the care of our Sanctuary residents.

Donations are at an all time low, and we rely primarily on fundraising to help dogs in need. Your donation, no matter how big or small, helps provide lifesaving medical care, medical treatments, medications, supplements, supplies, great food, including prescription diets, and treats.

With YOU by our side, precious souls like little Foxy receive everything they need to be comfortable and happy for however long they are with us. YOU help us provide everything they need to make their last days, their best days.

With the difficult medical cases that have recently walked through our doors, and continue to come in, your support is critical more than ever! Our Vet and supply bills are enormous and our bank account severely depleted.

Please help keep our doors open to others in need; give us the ability to continue our work and give all these precious unwanted souls their best lives unconditionally.


💞PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RKUHNPAA3ND3C

By Mail:
Paws Give Me Purpose Inc.
2 Jade Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Directly toward our Vet bills:
House Paws Mobile Veterinary Service
(856) 234-5230

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