Bubbles Medical Update

Tonight we wanted to share a medical update on Bubbles with all of you. As much as we hate sharing bad news, we believe our supporters deserve full disclosure.

Even though we already knew going into surgery that Bubbles had cancer, we hoped for a biopsy miracle to tell us it wasn’t as bad as originally thought. Sadly, that was not the case and we needed some time to process the information before publicly sharing.

Bubbles’ biopsy results came back with the result of Adenocarcinoma. These tumors typically grow rapidly, metastasizing to other parts and organs of the body.

We have discussed treatments with our Veterinary team and Bubbles is taking supplements, and some homeopathic remedies in order to keep her feeling her best. Quality of life is top priority to us here at Paws Give Me Purpose, and we are making sure that Bubbles has everything she needs.

Although in the back of our minds we know her time with us will be short, just looking at her adorable little face is everything we need to know right now.

Although we cannot change Bubbles’ past or take away the pain she must have felt until the day she was rescued from the shelter, we can assure all of you that the day she arrived here was the beginning of her healing and her journey to enjoy the life she should have had all along.

It’s time for Bubbles to live life to the fullest and we will make sure she enjoys every moment.

Our deepest gratitude to Susie’s Senior Dogs who has teamed up with Chloe’s Fospice Friends and awarded us a grant to help with Bubbles care.

If anyone is interested in becoming Bubbles Sanctuary sponsor, please head over to: