Grateful Dot

Precious little Dot is popping in this morning to thank you all to all our wonderful followers and supporters for your undying, ongoing, and heartfelt support, prayers and messages.

Dot deserved this second chance to be loved and our promise is to provide her with a safe and loving environment for the rest of her life. If anyone ever doubts us, know that this is what we do at Paws Give Me Purpose.

Sadly, senior dogs with special needs like Dot are often dumped by those who promised to love them forever.

Paws Give Me Purpose is a Sanctuary providing a bridge of care that supports senior, hospice and special needs dogs for whatever quality time remains for them.

All of our Sanctuary residents need people like all of you with extra-big hearts to help give them their second chance at life – Dot is very grateful.

One Reply to “Grateful Dot”

  1. ♥♥
    ..and I am so grateful for you little DOT..
    the chance to know you ARE loved..
    ..and all the *good stuff* that goes with caring humans..

    I love you, sweet girl..
    ..and every day you still have to breathe..
    and get hugs et al..
    ..enjoy. enjoy. precious.

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