Our Precious Angel

Hi it’s me, Angel I saw the Ophthalmologist today and was trembling in the Vets office. I don’t like that place.

Two sutures have been removed, and a couple eye tests were done. My eye is still a bit swollen, so a couple stitches will stay in until all the swelling goes down. I will need to stay in this stupid cone for another 2-4 weeks, needless to say I am not happy about this at all. I’m an old lady with no patience to wait another 2-4 weeks!

Overall I was a good girl today at the Vet and am looking forward to a delicious treat. I love the homemade meals and treats I get to eat daily; but most of all I love sharing some Pizza with my humans. Pizza is delicious! As soon as I smell it in the oven I can hardly wait!

For the first time in my life I am feeling safe and loved. I hope this feeling lasts forever. My body, soul and heart are healing. Paws Give Me Purpose says they will never give up on me.

Please help give Paws Give Me Purpose the ability to continue to give me and the rest of the Sanctuary pups the best life ever. Help them continue their great work so they can help more pups just like me that need a special place to live out their days feeling safe and loved.


Website: https://www.pawsgivemepurpose.com/donate/

PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/pawsgivemepurposeinc