Prayers For Bubbles

While we are all deeply grieving the sudden loss of sweet Cinnabon, we have had no choice but to pull it together for Bubbles.

No matter who or what you believe in, we believe prayers are powerful. Today the Paws Give Me Purpose Team is asking that you all send the strongest positive thoughts, prayers and strength our way as Bubbles heads into surgery to remove the largest of her tumors.

While Bubbles has many tumors throughout her body, these 2 very large masses literally hang off her body and touch the ground making it impossible to sit, lay, and walk outside properly without rubbing them on the ground.

This is a very complicated surgery and of course we are extremely worried, but we also know that we have the best, most experienced surgeon handling the case. This surgery has been on the calendar for quite a while, and we honestly weren’t sure if it was going to happen. Thankfully we have been able to get Bubbles to the point where this surgery is now medically possible.

This is not by any means a surgery that will cure her, but it will make her more comfortable and give her the best quality of life for as long as she is with us. We will also of course send the masses out for biopsy so we can see what type of Cancer we are dealing with specifically.

No matter how many times we take in a hospice case like this, we know it is the right thing to do; no dog deserves to be treated like trash by the family they gave all their love and loyalty to. We could not stand by and allow her to die alone in a shelter.

All Bubbles wants is to be loved and our promise to her is to love her, spoil her, and keep her comfortable during her time here at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary.

One Reply to “Prayers For Bubbles”

  1. ♥♥
    ..precious sweet BUBBLES..
    every loving thought..
    ..every hopeful thought..
    and a forever place in my heart.. yours..
    for today..
    ..and always..

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