Remembering Pop-Tart

It is with the deepest sadness we inform you all that on Monday morning we helped Pop-Tart cross over the Rainbow Bridge.

It was not something we expected, and it never gets easier, but his quality of life quickly deteriorated over the days prior. This is one of those gut wrenching decisions that we sometimes have to make, but also a loving kindness that Pop-Tart deserved. He passed peacefully in a room full of love.

Quality of life is very important to us here at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary, and Pop-Tart has always had medical issues; in the past, he always bounced back, had a strong will to live and defied the odds many times. It was clear to the staff that was present on Monday morning that it was time and he needed our help to find peace.

At almost 15 years of age, Mr. Pop-Tart may not have been our oldest Sanctuary resident, but he was our current longest resident. Pop-Tart arrived back in 2009 to our Sanctuary after having been found thrown away like a piece of trash in a dumpster in Trenton NJ. We can only imagine what would have happened to him if that dumpster had been picked up that day; but thankfully that did not happen and he found his way to our loving Sanctuary. 

Pop-Tart was not by any means an easy dog; he was a bit nasty in temperament but who wouldn’t be after being mistreated and thrown away. We honestly have no idea what his life was like prior to being found in the garbage, but it was clear by his distrust in humans that it wasn’t a good one. He sadly must have never known a human’s touch, human kindness, a human’s love — so people were just not always to his liking. 

One of Pop-Tart’s nicknames here at our Sanctuary was “Grumpus”, a term of endearment that came about due to his grumpy exterior. He was that grumpy guy on the outside who liked to reject people and things he didn’t like such as having his nails cut, ears cleaned, or nose decrusted. It literally took 3 people, one wearing bite gloves to get those things done, but we got it done. But there was also this soft side to him, and when he wanted loving and attention he would let you know; it was always on his terms. He wasn’t a very cuddly type of personality, but when he decided he wanted a lap he climbed right in. In fact very early every morning he sat in Sanctuary Mom’s lap while she drank that very first cup of coffee for the day, and that extra special one on one time together is now greatly missed. 

He actually did enjoy baths, being brushed with the zoom groom, and time outside in the play yard. He loved sunbathing and going for trips in the car, but depending on the end destination, his demeanor would change. His most favorite thing in the world was of course eating – he loved food/treats and outdoor picnics; but then again if you know the Pug breed, Pugs love food! 

Another of Pop-Tart’s infamous nicknames was Daddy Pop-Tart, he actually played the role of a doting dad to some of our younger Sanctuary residents as if to adopt them as his own children. Here at the Sanctuary, we have a grouping of dogs known as the “small dog group”, and Pop-Tart was literally their leader. They all snuggled up to him, followed him, would kiss him, and at times even learned some bad behaviors from him. Nonetheless, he really seemed to care about his group and they all loved and respected him. Even with him gone, over the last couple of days, his bed and food dish remain untouched and if a newcomer tries to get near, it is not tolerated by his children, and they will growl to inform the other dogs to stay away. 

Pop-Tart also had what we like to call a love/hate relationship with one of our larger breed residents here in Sanctuary, Blossom. There was just something about Blossom that Pop-Tart always had to try and instigate her from the other side of the fence and of course she would react in return as if to say leave me alone. We almost felt like he really did like Blossom but the feeling was just not mutual and we would say to him, “sorry Pop-Tart, but she’s just not that into you” – he never gave up trying, and over the years she just learned to ignore him, but this was one of those moments that always made us smile. 

Every dog that walks through our doors is treated with excellent care, compassion and love. They each bring something special with them that no other dog does, and for Pop-Tart it was truly his Pugtato personality. He actually was given that nickname by our Veterinary team and he most certainly lived the Pug life. He was also literally that epitome definition of the Pugtato; when a Pug metamorphosizes into a pugtato by tucking its limbs under its body and lays their head down. It was Pop-Tarts’ way of hiding his feet so you wouldn’t dare touch them. 

There are just so many memories of Pop-Tart that we could literally fill a book with his stories, but no written words would really do him justice. You really had to meet him in order to really see how special he truly was. 

Pop-Tart was the last of the 4 Pug grumble that had lived here in Sanctuary- they were a remarkable group of dogs that truly loved each other in their own way and we believe they are now all together once again. 

His passing has left a huge hole here in everyone’s hearts and a huge void here at the Sanctuary. 

You will always live on in our hearts Pop-Tart, you were taken too soon. We were blessed to have known and been able to love you with our whole hearts! 

Thank you to each and everyone for caring and for being a support to us during this time.