Remembering Timmy

Our Tiny Tim gained his Angel wings and has left behind many broken hearts. Our promise to Timmy was to provide him with a safe and loving environment for the rest of his life, and we kept that promise. 

He passed peacefully, on his own terms during his sleep cuddled up next to his beloved girlfriend Tiny Tina. Although we knew when he arrived that his time with us would be very short, Timmy’s life was very important to us. The kind of work we do never gets easier. 

Timmy arrived at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary back in November from the Babylon Animal Shelter. He was a very fragile boy with lots going on medically. He immediately bonded with our Tiny Tina; it was almost as if they had already known each other. They were so inseparable and the thought did cross our minds that perhaps they may have come from the same owner/breeder and they recognized each other. 

We learn many things from our Sanctuary residents, and even if their pasts were a complete mystery to us since they came into the shelter as strays, it was nice to observe the dynamic of their love and friendship. In this case perhaps the lesson is you’re never too old to fall in love. 

Timmy and Tina would eat all their meals together, spend time in the yard sunning themselves together, suck on gullet sticks together and most of all enjoyed cuddling up together. And although Timmy enjoyed human laps and affection too, he preferred to be by Tina’s side the most- wherever she went he followed. 

You will always live on in our hearts Timmy, you were taken far too soon; we truly wish our love and care could have healed you and given you more time like you deserved. We were blessed to have known you! 

We hope you know that even though your time with us was short, you were very loved. Your presence here at our Sanctuary was a gift and you will forever be a part of our hearts. 

Thank you so much to all those who believed Timmy’s life mattered, for donating for caring and for being a support to us during this time.