Update On Ellie

Why do we put ourselves through the emotional roller coaster of working with abused, neglected and unwanted animals that can only cause heartache? We do it because their lives matter. 

Our Veterinary team came out to the Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary on Monday to see some of our Sanctuary residents; and the good news is Ellie was able to have her staples removed. She will need to remain on restricted activity, wear her cone and take another round of antibiotics for another week, but her incision and her spirit are both healing. 

For those not familiar with Ellie’s story, please head over to:


We believe in full disclosure, so now for the not so great news – the biopsy on Ellie’s tumor revealed that she has a rare type of mammary cancer, adenocarcinoma – in addition to ovarian cancer. Her prognosis is 4-6 months – to say we are heartbroken would be an understatement, but we knew in the back of our minds this was likely the case. 

While her prognosis is devastating, Ellie is a very happy, peppy, and energetic girl who cannot wait to play with the other dogs. Her appetite is great, and you’d never even know she isn’t 100% healthy either as nothing seems to bother her.

No matter how many times we take in a hospice case like this and our hearts are shattered; we know this is the right thing to do; no dog deserves to be treated like trash by the family they gave all their love and loyalty to. We could not stand by and allow her to die alone in a shelter. 

All Ellie wants is to be loved and we will do just that. Our promise to Ellie is to love her, spoil her, and keep her comfortable during her time here at Paws Give Me Purpose Sanctuary.

Our deepest gratitude to Susie’s Senior Dogs who has teamed up with Chloe’s Fospice Friends and awarded us a grant to help with Ellie’s care. 

If anyone is interested in becoming Ellie’s Sanctuary sponsor, please reach out to us directly.