Update On Peanut

Our very own Mr. Peanut is popping in this terrific Tuesday evening to say hello and give you a quick update.

Our Veterinary Team was out to the Sanctuary this past Friday, and Peanut had a complete exam including a complete senior blood panel.

Unfortunately, in addition to being heart-worm positive his kidneys are not looking very happy because he has chronic kidney disease.

He has begun taking Doxycycline in preparation for his HW treatment, and we are working closely with our Vet team to get him healthy enough to undergo treatment, but we are of course very concerned about it all.

The current plan is to continue the Doxycycline, feed a low protein diet and use Azodyl to help help bind the BUN.

Peanut asks that you please send much needed prayers and positivity his way for both healing and comfort so he can live his golden years to the fullest.