Welcome Ash

Last but certainly not least, we would like to introduce you to our third and final newest Sanctuary resident, Ash!

Imagine waking up one day and finding that everything in your world is different. The family you’ve come to know and love is gone. Your bed, your belongings, and even the comfy couch you used to lay on, all gone.

This beautiful senior soul found himself behind shelter walls sad and confused after being abandoned on the streets by those he thought would love him forever. 

Estimated to be 12+ years of age, Ash’s sadness is palpable. He is extremely emaciated, has many fractured teeth, inflamed gums, and a bone infection in his jaw. Additionally, nuclear sclerosis of his eyes is causing limited vision and there is a large mass on his sternum. 

Ash has received the urgent and necessary medical care he required and deserved, and with your continued help, we will provide him with only the BEST care possible so he can enjoy his golden years to the fullest! 

The goal right now is to get him healthy enough to remove the mass, send it out for biopsy and if he is stable enough a thorough dental as well. 

With donations and an all time low, we are truly just scraping by and honestly are not sure how much longer we can do this – we need YOUR help now more than ever! 

Please open your hearts, help us fight to give Ash the opportunity to live the best life possible in his remaining years. We cannot do this without YOU!

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/PGMPINC

PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RKUHNPAA3ND3C


By Mail:
Paws Give Me Purpose Inc.
2 Jade Lane 
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Directly toward our Vet bills:
House Paws Mobile Veterinary Service 
(856) 234-5230

Please keep this precious boy in your prayers. We will keep you updated.