Beat The Heat

Tito is stopping in to say hello to all our fabulous followers and supporters. He is feeling his best and being a very good boy taking his medications and supplements daily. We are keeping a close watch on his kidneys and making sure he stays hydrated. Ensuring optimal hydration is the single most important aspect in treating insufficient kidney function.

For Tito, Paws Give Me Purpose Inc. Sanctuary is home. A place where he has learned that not all humans are unkind, and what it’s truly like to be loved. 

As temperatures soar into the high 90’s here in Southern New Jersey, it’s imperative we keep all our Sanctuary residents cool and safe – it’s simply too dangerous for our seniors to be outside. 

Summer is a terrific time to be a dog owner. It lets you run, swim, and play with your dog in nicer weather than any other time of the year. However, summer also brings unique risks to your dog’s health that you should keep in mind throughout the season – especially during these major heat waves. 

Short trips to the potty are best, long walks are not advised as even the sidewalks can become dangerous by getting too hot for their paws. NEVER leave your dog in the car, and NEVER leave your dog outside all day! A dog can die of heat stroke, their bodies heat up much more quickly than ours.

Even if your dog is out briefly they will get hot and a frosty treat may be just what they need to cool down. Tito is relaxing indoors today thinking about digging into some yummy frozen treats today – his favorite is Rita’s vanilla custard. There are many recipes available for homemade frozen goodies on our website, be sure to check them out.

It’s all because of you that we can give Tito and every dog here in Sanctuary what they need to thrive and live their lives out to the fullest; the way it was meant to be. You give them all hope for a future full of love and happiness.

This is what we do here at Paws Give Me Purpose. Thank you for giving us the ability to do what we do.